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Choosing the right hosting provider for your website hinges on the "4 S" framework: Speed, Support, Security, and Scale. At BeOnline, we're dedicated to guiding you through selecting the ideal hosting provider in New Zealand, ensuring your website operates efficiently, remains secure, receives responsive support, and can scale as your business grows. Let us assist you in making an informed decision that aligns perfectly with your online needs.

How to choose web hosting that suits my needs?

6 useful tips on choosing web hosting plan


Select the Appropriate Hosting Type

Just like choosing a home, each web hosting type caters to different "residents" needs. Assess whether shared hosting, VPS, or dedicated servers best match your website's expected load and services. High-traffic sites typically require VPS or dedicated hosting for optimal performance.


Balance Your Budget with Hosting Quality

In the diverse web hosting market, prices vary significantly. While tempting, ultra-low costs can lead to higher long-term expenses. It’s essential to balance affordability with quality, ensuring your web hosting investment supports your website's growth without hidden costs.


Identify Your Website's Specific Needs

Your hosting choice should mirror your website’s demands. What suits a small personal blog won’t necessarily support an e-commerce site's growth. Analyse your site’s requirements, from traffic to storage, to select a hosting plan that aligns with your business objectives and future expansion.


Demand Swift Technical Support and Stringent Security

High-quality hosting equates to robust security and responsive technical support. Research your prospective host's security protocols and customer service efficiency. Reliable hosting services offer 24/7 support through various channels with swift response times, safeguarding your site’s integrity and uptime.


Seek Scalability for Future Growth

Choose a web host that grows with your site. The ability to quickly upgrade resources, such as bandwidth and storage, is crucial as your online presence expands. Ensure your hosting can adapt without impacting site performance or user experience.

Consider Server Locations and Global Performance

The physical location of your web hosting servers can affect your website's speed and SEO. For NZ-based sites aiming for a local audience, servers in or near New Zealand or the Asia-Pacific region can offer faster loading times and improved user experience. While BeOnline often opts for reputable international hosts like Hostinger, GoDaddy, and Bluehost due to their reliability and regional server options, assessing the server location relevance to your target audience is crucial.


BeOnline's TOP 3 choice of hosting providers:



Hostinger is one of the fastest web hosting providers with an average page load speed of less than 200ms. This is a really fast page load rate! Uptime is 99.9%.

Hostinger's hosting service has a highly customizable, easy-to-use control panel - hPanel.

The company often runs mass sales offering free SSL certificates and domains. Hostinger provides a free WordPress site with a 1-click install, allowing you to start your blog for free in minutes. The service is one of the best blog hostings.

How to get started with Hostinger:

1. Go to hostinger.com and click "Get Started"
2. Choose a hosting plan, the biggest savings - $ 0.99 USD per month for 48 months
3. Enter your email address and create a password
4. Choose WordPress and create your website
5. Publish your site when multiple posts are ready



GoDaddy Hosting

Godaddy Hosting

GoDaddy is a service that provides web hosting solutions to Windows and Linux users with their own DNS.  They offer good hosting customization options (from $6.99 per month)

BeOnline team recommends them because of their best technical support service.

GoDaddy provides:

  • Expert hosting support available 24/7/365
  • Superior performance and load times
  • Reliable web hosting with 99.9% uptime guaranteed

Some awesome features of this web host are Odin Plesk and the Windows Control Panel, which allows you to manage servers, applications and users. The company also has useful malware scanners in case your site is compromised.



Bluehost Hosting

Godaddy Hosting

Bluehost is one of the best hosting providers serving over 2 million sites worldwide. 
Bluehost is our # 3 recommendation for free domain hosting, free SSL, 1-click WordPress installation, FTP and 24/7 customer support. Hosting plans start at $4.95 USD per month, the company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Bluehost is a comprehensive platform built specifically for WordPress, serving over 2 million websites. The hosting has an easy-to-use interface that allows you to register a domain, install WordPress in one click, choose a theme, and create your website.

The company was founded in 1996 and currently employs over 750 employees. The uptime is 99.99% making this hosting service a reliable option.



Types of Web Hosting in simple explanation.

Hosting types:

  • Shared hosting (Web-hosting / Shared hosting) is like an apartment in an apartment building. This is a relatively cheap option with the necessary amenities. Suitable for sites with light and medium traffic. The main disadvantage is that web hosting resources have to be divided among all the "inhabitants" of the house.
  • Virtual server (VDS / VPS) - this is an apartment in a town house. The owner of this "home" is almost unlimited in the use of resources and productivity. The independence that a virtual server provides also requires more thoughtfulness. Choose a tariff plan carefully according to your needs. All operations - from setting up the server to installing new programs - must be done independently or pay extra for them to the hoster.
  • Dedicated server - private house. Expensive but spacious and comfortable. Your own server allows you to customize the equipment individually and get maximum performance. Complete freedom is possible only with equal responsibility. You will have to monitor the performance and safety, as well as eliminate failures on your own.
  • Cloud server is the high-tech home of the future. This type of hosting usually relies on large cloud services like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. The main advantage of cloud hosting is instant scaling. Resources are added in real time, you only need to pay extra.

Some experts distinguish the placement of hosting equipment on the provider's site (colocation) as a separate type. However, this method can be safely called only a subspecies of a dedicated server.

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