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Marketing research is a type of reconnaissance that allows you to collect all the information about the future of brand positioning, competitors, their strengths, and what a business needs to “win online”. This is what transforms a creative disorganized process into a chain of strategically correct actions.

Marketing research before website development

Most popular

Initial Marketing Audit

from $499 +GST

  • Analysis of Your Competitors - Market Research
  • Development of marketing strategy
  • Our recommendations

What is included in the Initial Marketing Website Audit?

Any website is a serious marketing business tool that allows you to withstand the competition, expand the market, increase sales and increase brand awareness. And it should start with careful preparation and competent marketing research. Only in this way, at the time of release, the site will be convenient and interesting for users, have the necessary functionality to carry out the conversion, and also have the potential to enter the TOP of search engines.


Let's talk about what should be included in initial marketing research:

1. Development of marketing strategy:

definition of the target audience
definition of promotional channels
definition of promotional methods for each audience

2. Analysis of competitors in the market:

analysis of competitors' websites - their strengths and weaknesses
analysis of competitors' search queries
analysis of search engine promotion methods of competitors
analysis of other methods of promoting competitors (paid advertising, newsletters, subscriptions, everything that can be learned)

3. Implementation of marketing strategy:

product promotion through the site in search (primary optimization and website promotion)
other methods of advertising services online (Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
performance monitoring, making adjustments.


What is a website marketing audit & Who needs a marketing audit?

What is a website marketing audit?
A marketing audit is a set of measures aimed at analysing the effectiveness of a website in terms of attracting a target audience and real sales.

Marketing analysis results in recommendations and the development of a marketing strategy help to increase the commercial efficiency of the site. Moreover, you need to rely not on your own opinion about ideal navigation and gorgeous usability, but on specific indicators that will help to objectively determine how much your potential customers like everything. Based on the results of marketing analysis, you will be able to work on errors where users most often "merge".


Who needs a marketing audit?

  • A business that wants to go from offline to online;
  • For those who have no income or low income from their current website, when finalisation of the existing functionality is cosmically expensive and the business owner is thinking about creating a new, clear, and user-friendly website;
  • A business that from the start wants to get more customers, find its audience, and increase brand awareness.


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